Wire coils

Industrial balancer for wire coils Dalmec.

Industrial balancer or Manipulator, column mounted version, designed for the handling of wire coils from the pallet to the winding machine. The tooling is made up by a jaws system for gripping on the outer edge of the coil and it is equipped with a pneumatic system for the 90° inclination.

Hundreds of Dalmec manipulators working in the most important industries in the world used for handling coils. Equipped with different types of gripping devices, our balancers are able to lift, rotate, tilt coils of all sizes and materials from 5 Kg to 900 Kg.

Industrial balancer or Manipulator Partner type, column mounted version.

The balancer is equipped with a pinch jaws tooling designed for the gripping of the wire coils on their outer diameter
Well-trained design staff are able to develop state-of-the-art equipment, which ensure the operators ergonomic use of the Manipulators.
Every project is developed according to the instructions given by the Directive 2006/42/EC on machinery and after a careful and a methodical analysis of the risks.


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